These data may be used for professional purposes as long as proper credit is given and copies of any papers or published products are sent to the author. They may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
Roy Licklider
Political Science Department
Rutgers University
89 George Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1441 USA
732 932-9249
Note On Font And Margins: If these files are to be read in a word processor, the "Courier" font or another fixed-width font should be used (so that columns will remain in place) and margins should be as wide as possible.
1.1 This version was printed in the appendix of Roy Licklider, "The Consequences of Negotiated Settlements in Civil Wars, 1945-1993," American Political Science Review, 89 (September, 1995), pp. 681-690. However, it was not used in the analysis of that article; a proofreading error on my part allowed this version to be printed without one case (Algeria B) which was included in the analysis.
1.2 This version was used in the analysis of the APSR article cited above.
2.1 This version was prepared largely in response to invaluable suggestions by Barbara Walter. Research was conducted to verify the cases by Rutgers graduate students Pierre Atlas and Ayse Ozkan, as well as myself, under a grant from the United States Institute of Peace. As a result, eight cases were deleted, leaving a total of 83. Full notes on cases deleted and changed codings can be found later in this file. Although this work was done in 1997, no attempt was made to update the data past 1993.
These data will be revised in the future. In general, please check with me before using them for any important purpose, to make sure you have the current version.
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